Christ’s Creed

Live For Him

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.
I Timothy 4:12 (NLT)

I remember as a young person how today’s passage shaped my life. It was exciting to be challenged to live like a believer should, even though I was young. God cared about my behavior. He did not discount me because I was young. He gave me everything I needed to live the life He wanted me to. Well, today, decades later, God still cares about my behavior. I am not off the hook because I am older. I still need to live the way God wants me to. And how exciting to know that God still convicts, forgives, and empowers me by and through His Holy Spirit. Today, no matter what your age, let God help you be an example of what a believer should be in how you talk, live, have faith, love and keep yourself pure.

Father, thank You for giving me everything I need to live for You. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will guide me and empower me to live, love, and have faith in a way that pleases You.

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